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A campaign promoting safe and legal abortion in India.


#AbortionMeraHaq, translating to ‘abortion is my right’, was a campaign demanding safe, legal and affordable abortions for all who require it, because safe abortions save lives. In the month of May 2019, Feminism in India and Asia Safe Abortion Partnership launched a digital advocacy campaign aimed at spreading education and awareness about abortion rights in India. As Campaign Lead, I did the research, branding, content creation, and execution of this campaign on FII's website and social media. 

The campaign focussed on four major themes – law & policy, medical information, abortion stigma, and sex-selective abortion in India. The campaign coincided with regressive legislation in USA in states like Alabama and Ohio, and we connected with global pro-choice messaging during this time and amplified the cause of safe abortion both in the US and in India.

This campaign featured 40 posters, 17 articles, 2 videos, and continuous social media engagement, all in the course of one month. Attached below is a selection of some of the highlights of the campaign. 



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